The Neocon spends a lot of time criticizing Islamic-extremism and analyzing the clash of civilizations. However, when an Arab-Muslim leader speaks out publicly and forcefully against this type of extremism, we feel a need to highlight and congratulate that leader. In this case, Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan spoke plain and straightforward truth while representing his country at a Kyoto International Conference today: "The Arab leaders stole billions of dollars from the Arab people and spent it on weapons to fight Israel, which they will never defeat, instead of using the money for health and education purposes to aid their people," Prince Hassan also attacked the Iranian nuclear development program. Hassan spoke against nuclear armament, especially on Iran's part, and said that it needs to be made sure that the nuclear project in Iran does not reach the stage of nuclear weapons. Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami was present at the conference. The Neocon Congratulates Prince Hassan of Jordan a real leader.
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Tags: Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit, Hezbollah, Fox News, CNN, Media
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