This is a priceless piece called "Homeland security can't get over the pump” by Mark Steyn (the man in the photo, not to be confused with the penis-pump "bobmer") in today’s Chicago Sun Times: Enjoy this rather small sample:
"Mardin Azad Amin found himself in a tight squeeze last week when security at O'Hare Airport discovered a suspicious-looking object in his luggage. So, Amin, 29, handled the delicate situation this way: He told security the object was a bomb, Cook County prosecutors say. In fact, it was a, er, penis pump. But the unfortunate Mardin Azad Amin was traveling to Turkey with his mom and was understandably a little sheepish. So, faced with the potential social embarrassment of being revealed as a pervert, he allegedly preferred to pass himself off as a terrorist. Many of us chaps would do the same in his situation, though one suspects rather fewer, when flying on vacation with our mothers, would pack a penis pump in our hand luggage. I hasten to add I've no idea whether Mrs. Amin took any maternal pride in her son's alleged claim to be a fanatical suicide bomber -- and even if she had, it would have been tempered by at least a mild irritation at discovering that she was also along for the ride." Ahhh, so many angles to this story, where to even begin?
Nasrallah ‘did not think’ act would spark war
Tags: Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit, Hezbollah, Fox News, CNN, Media
Forecasting the Future of the West
What happens when migration isn't accompanied by assimilation?
The power of AI offers us an ability to forecast the future.
What happens if Western socie...
10 hours ago
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