A good number of articles recently have documented the change of mentality in Israeli society. This interesting article by Max Boot in the Weekly Standard is just the latest. But it’s not just foreigners who are making these observations, Israelis from both sides of the Political spectrum are also pointing out the perceived problem: Isi Leibler wrote What to do About Tel Aviv recently in the more conservative leaning Jerusalem post; a hard look at the disconnected and out of touch island that is Tel Aviv, with its rather embarrasing and desperate search to be perceived as hip as the world around it burns. While Israel Harel writes in the more liberal leaning Ha’aretz, in his article A Defense Force for the IDF, how many in Israeli society have come to view their soldiers as little children to be protected rather than defenders of the Republic and its civilians. A fascinating read.
The West Invites Attack
A Reminder of Who We Are and Why We Are Fighting
Use Harsh Sanctions, and Maybe Force against Iran
Tags: Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit, Hezbollah, Fox News, CNN, Media
Forecasting the Future of the West
What happens when migration isn't accompanied by assimilation?
The power of AI offers us an ability to forecast the future.
What happens if Western socie...
11 hours ago
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