Editorial of the Day: Tony Blankley, Washington Times:
"Neither the university nor most of the media has been willing to characterize this event as a terrorist attempt by a radical Muslim. Mr. Colmes, on "Hannity and Colmes" seemed to express genuine puzzlement as to why it mattered whether we called it that or merely an act of violence. Similarly, the attack at the Los Angeles International Airport a few years ago was for nine months just called a violent attack, before it was finally characterized by police as a radical Muslim act of terrorism."
What’s Putin’s Game?
How do you spell 'terrorist wacko nutcase'?
Putin cozies up to Muslims abroad, and takes a hard-line against them at home.
Mofaz: We have contingency plan for Iran
Giving Yale the finger
Top 20 Insanities DOGE has uncovered... so far.
Well, I’ve been *Grokking*. Trying to discover the worst abuses of the last
Democrat administration. Which explains me having to use Grok. One requires
55 minutes ago
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