Monday, January 04, 2010

Attack Dogs Trained to Pounce on Any Person Yelling Allahu Akbar in a Crowded Place

You aren't allowed to yell FIRE in a crowded theater, and you sure as hell should not be yelling ALLAHU AKBAR in any crowded location other than a mosque. The IDF will not publicly acknowledge it, but apparently they have (or at least I hope they have) a small army of attack dogs trained to pounce on anyone they come across who yells ALLAHU KABAR in public. It's not a perfect tool, but it sounds to me like a good little piece in an overall security plan. PETA & the ACLU anyone?

Anyway, here's a list of cool counter terror items entering the inventory. The problem is that our side tends to lean on expensive high-tech toys when some times simple low-tech solutions are the way to go.


  1. sounds like another hair brained idea from Lonnie Lit .......

  2. Put a German Shepherd on every flight. Muslims hate and fear dogs. Perhaps they will decide not to fly.


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