Purge of Jews from Arab countries continues as the US State Department evacuates Jews from Yemen today. Few people know that over a million Jews have either fled or were expelled from Arab countries since 1948. Along with their descendants, they outnumber all Palestinian refugees. But nobody calls them "refugees" because they are Jews. There are no UN resolutions, no "Naqkba Day", and liberals are literally to stupid or anti-Semitic to even be aware of this silent ethnic cleansing that has been going on for decades. History will record that 2,500 years of Jewish life in Yemen is now over, without a peep from a single liberal.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Purge of Jews from Arab countries continues.
Good News - Average Jordanian citizens rush to assist elderly Israeli tourists injured in a bus crash.
Well, this is good news. it's a small indication that the hatred is not so ingrained as to erase peoples basic humanity. I realize that it's not some earth shattering revelation, but I'll take any good news I can get.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Test: How Long Will It Take YouTube to Shut Down This Video? You Make the Call:
Well, certainly, radical Islamists will find this video offensive. Go to the YouTube site where it is posted to read the comments, they are truly fascinating.
Larry David over HBO thinks that he's cutting edge for peeing on a portrait of Jesus. Of course, Larry David is too much of a pussy to piss on a portrait of Mohammad.
UPDATE: Breaking News: Detroit imam, leader "a highly placed leader of a nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group" killed in FBI raid in Detroit.
Greatest Version of this classic ever!
I can't help myself. It starts off a little weak, but quickly builds. Sit through it. It is well worth it for anyone even slightly appreciative of this genre:
NEA Vomit Alert
Rocco Landesman is President Obama's handpicked chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. Last week he gave the note address to the 2009 Grantmakers in the Arts Conference:
"This is the first president that actually writes his own books since Teddy Roosevelt and arguably the first to write them really well since Lincoln. If you accept the premise, and I do, that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, then Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar. That has to be good for American artists."
Monday, October 26, 2009
It's Islam Day in Washington: "Kill all Homosexuals"
OK, Islam day in DC was a few weeks ago but I just came across this video:
Columbia "Journalisim" Students Bash Fox News - Gee, I wonder where they got that idea from?
A bunch of spoiled rich kids, who's parents are paying tens of thousands of dollars every year for them to study something that is more like an activity than a real profession, rap about the big bad Fox News:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Obama, Like Chavez, Is Openly Trying to Stifle Freedom of the Press
If he thought he could get away with shutting down Fox News, is there anyone out there who believes that he wouldn't? If he thought he could get away with using the US military to shut down opposition, is there anyone who believes he wouldn't? Even the left wing media is beginning to realize who they are dealing with. This is what he is doing now, what happens when he begins to feel a little more comfortable?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Debate on Iraqi TV about whether the Earth is flat.
"Koran science proves the Earth is indeed flat":
Monday, October 19, 2009
UK Prime Minister: We Have 50 Days to Fix Global Warming Or We're All Going to Die
COUNTDOWN TO DEATH? Further proof that "global warming" is a mental disorder:Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! The UK faces a "catastrophe" of floods, droughts and killer heatwaves if world leaders fail to agree on a deal on climate change, the prime minister has warned. Gordon Brown said negotiators had 50 days to save the world. He then stressed that there was "no plan B".
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Bill Maher: Don't get vaccinated because unlike "global warming", vaccination science is "not settled"
Wow! How the Liberal mind works:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
NewsCorp Interested in Buying NBC-Universal - as White House Declares War on Fox News
Good lord, what will Keith Olbermann do? What will all of those red-doper-diaper-babies over at MSNBC do? Can anyone imagine the Obama administrations Justice Department letting such a deal go through, and not blocking it with "anti-trust" red herrings? As is, the White House declared war on Fox News today in an attempt to suppress freedom of expression, Venezuela style. This is going to be an absolute delight to watch. Keep it up Mr. Murdoch.
Friday, October 09, 2009
A Study in Contrast; Nobel "Peace" Winners and Losers:
Franklin Roosevelt, Loser: Mohamed ElBaradei, winner:
Ronald Reagan, loser:
Jimmy Carter, winner:
Winston Churchill, Loser:
Al Gore, Winner:
Harry Truman, Loser:
Yasser Arafat, Winner:
Mahatma Gandhi, Loser:
Barack Hussein Obama, winner:
John F. Kennedy, Loser:
Le Duc Tho, Winner:
The largest peacekeeping force on the planet... LOSERS:
Of course, without this last organization, all those Norwegians would be speaking German or Russian and marching the goosestep right about now, and there would probably be no peace to be found on this planet. But what do I know? I’m not a Norwegian.
You make the call.
A small sample of those passed over for the Nobel Peace Prize in favor of a sleezy polititian:
Irena Sendler was a Polish Catholic social worker who served in the Polish Underground …in German-occupied Warsaw during World War II. Assisted by others, Sendler saved 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto, providing them false documents, and sheltering them in individual and group children’s homes outside the Ghetto. She was passed over in favor of Al Gore.
Dr. Denis Mukwege (born 1 March 1955) is a Congolese gynecologist. Working in Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, where he specializes in the treatment of women who have been gang-raped by Congolese militia, Mukwege has probably become the world’s leading expert on how to repair the internal physical damage caused by gang rape.[1] He has treated 21,000 women during the Congo’s 12-year war, some of them more than once, performing up to 10 surgeries a day during his 18-hour working days. Passed over in favor of Barack Hussein Obama.
Dr. Sima Samar, is a women’s rights activist in Afghanistan. Dr. Samar publicly refuses to accept that women must be kept in purdah (secluded from the public) and speaks out against the wearing of the burqa (head-to-foot wrap), which was enforced first by the fundamentalist mujahideen and then by the Taliban. She also has drawn attention to the fact that many women in Afghanistan suffer from osteomalacia, a softening of the bones, due to an inadequate diet. Wearing the burqa reduces exposure to sunlight and aggravates the situation for women suffering from osteomalacia. She was passed over in favor of Barack Hussein Obama.
SOS Children’s Villages is an international non-governmental social development organisation that has been active in the field of children’s rights and committed to children’s needs and concerns since 1949. In 132 countries and territories their activities have focused on children without parental care and children of families in difficult circumstances. Passed over in favor of Barack Hussein Obama.
Yuck: Obama Wins the Nobel "Peace" Prize
If the Messiah wasn't so vain, he would turn it down as an insult to his, and everyone's intelligence. He now joins Yasser Arafat, Mohamed El Baradei, Le Duc Tho, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and the notorious Anti-Semite Mary Robinson, at the bottom of the Nobel "peace" prize barrel. A fake prize, for a fake president, for fake accomplishments.
Here is a little YouTube clip showing how a "senior White House official" calls a TV host "an a#&hole" for bursting out in laughter after hearing the news:
UPDATE: Barack Obama adviser says Sharia Law is misunderstood.
Tommy De Seno's Note: Although President Obama had only been in office for 12 days before the nominations for this year's Nobel Peace prize closed the entire process actually takes a full year. According to the official Nobel Prize Web site invitation letters are sent out in September. Every year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee sends out thousands of letters inviting a qualified and select number of people to submit their nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The deadline to submit nominations is February 1. -- Two hundred five names were submitted for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, 33 of which are organizations. A short list of nominees is prepared in February and March. The short list is subject to adviser review from March until August. At the beginning of October, the Nobel Committee chooses the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates are then announced."
Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize this morning. Over the last decade the only requirement to win the prize was that the nominee had to be critical of George W. Bush (see Al Gore, Mohamed El Baradei and Jimmy Carter).
President Obama has broken new ground here. Nominations for potential winners of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize ended on February 1. The president took office only 12 days earlier on January 20.
Let’s take a look at the president’s first 12 days in the White House according to his public schedule to see what he did to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize:
January 20: Sworn in as president. Went to a parade. Partied.
January 21: Asked bureaucrats to re-write guidelines for information requests. Held an “open house” party at the White House.
January 22: Signed Executive Orders: Executive Branch workers to take ethics pledge; re-affirmed Army Field Manual techniques for interrogations; expressed desire to close Gitmo (how’s that working out?)
January 23: Ordered the release of federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries. Lunch with Joe Biden; met with Tim Geithner.
January 24: Budget meeting with economic team.
January 25: Skipped church.
January 26: Gave speech about jobs and energy. Met with Hillary Clinton. Attended Geithner's swearing in ceremony.
January 27: Met with Republicans. Spoke at a clock tower in Ohio.
January 28: Economic meetings in the morning, met with Defense secretary in the afternoon.
January 29: Signed Ledbetter Bill overturning Supreme Court decision on lawsuits over wages. Party in the State Room. Met with Biden.
January 30: Met economic advisers. Gave speech on Middle Class Working Families Task Force. Met with senior enlisted military officials.
January 31: Took the day off.
February 1: Skipped church. Threw a Super Bowl party.
So there you have it. The short path to the Nobel Peace Prize: Party, go to meetings, skip church, release federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries, party some more.
Good grief.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Global Warming: Chicago Expecting Earliest Snowfall in Recorded History
Chicago is expecting snow this Sunday, making it the earliest snowfall in the area in recorded history. The mindless "global warming" cult will probably have some sort of explanation, you know... "warming actually means cooling"..."local measurments mean nothing"... that sort of thing. Bottom line? Most Americana's aren't buying it. The weather is simply refusing to play along with the scam.
UPDATE: BBC: What the hell happened to "Global Warming".
A first: Major leauge baseball game is snowed out! Too cold for the boys of summer:
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Creepy Child Exploitation for Political Purposes
Exploiting children, and brainwashing children is the hallmark of any insecure regime bent on domination. That a media outlet would willingly play along with this type of exploitation of children is even more troubling.
Israeli-American Tycoon, Haim Saban Makes bid for Al Jazeera
Israeli-American Tycoon, Haim Saban, already owns Univision, the largest Spanish language television outlet in North America. He is the owner of iconic children's characters like Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles and Power Rangers. He also owns a controlling interest in Israel's largest communications company, Bezek, and is ranked #78 on the Forbes 400. Now Saban has set his sights on acquiring Al Jazeera, the largest and most popular Arabic language television broadcaster in the world, owned by the emirate of Qatar. If the deal goes through, it will be a first, and a huge revolution in Arab language broadcasting. It will not likely turn into Fox News overnight, but if will certainly make a difference in how the rest of world is portrayed in the Arab world.
Calling on All Israel-Haters to Boycott new Antibiotics when they get sick
A big congrats to Israeli scientist Ada Yonath and the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot for winning the Nobel Prize for chemistry today! The Nobel Academy pointed out that her research has led to the development of new antibiotics, "directly assisting the saving of lives and decreasing humanity's suffering". Maybe the Israel-haters should consider boycotting these antibiotics when they get sick.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
61% of Americans Back Military Force to Disarm Iran
As the Obama administration continues to accommodate Iran's nuclear program. A growing majority of Americans support the use of Military force to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear arms. A full 64% do not believe that talks with Iran will lead anywhere, and even a majority of Democrats (51%), say it is more important to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons even if it means taking military action. The all-important independent voter shares that view by a margin of 66%. Even 56% of notoriously naive US Jews support taking out Iran's nuclear program.
Only 24% of US voters say it is more important to avoid a military conflict with Iran, if it means that the country may develop nuclear weapons.
UPDATE: Obama defunds Iranian human rights group.
Monday, October 05, 2009
At the UN, the Obama administration backs limits on free speech
The new UN resolution, championed by the Obama administration, emphasizes that the exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it "special duties and responsibilities . . . which include taking action against anything meeting the description of negative racial and religious stereotyping. It also purports to "recognize . . . the moral and social responsibilities of the media" and supports "the media's elaboration of voluntary codes of professional ethical conduct" in relation to "combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance."
This new UN resolution is co-sponsored by the US and Egypt, and the language was formulated following the Danish Cartoon "crisis". The Egyptian Ambassador Hisham Badr is delighted. He praised the development by telling the Council that "freedom of expression . . . has been sometimes misused," insisting on limits consistent with the "true nature of this right" and demanding that "the media must . . . conduct . . . itself in a professional and ethical manner."
Good lord.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Whine About Polanski While doing Business with, and Apologizing for, the Biggest Promoters of Pedophilia on Earth
I love these people who can't stop talking about a disgusting incident involving Polanski 32 years ago, when in fact, an entire religion of over one billion people, namely Islam, is the biggest promoter of pedophilia on this planet right now, every day. The prophet Mohammad himself married Aisha when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Laying the foundation for the legal justification of pedophilia in Islam to this day. Every single day brings new horror stories of the abuse of young girls from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to Morocco, not 32 years ago in a single incident, but as an institutionalized, legalized system of abuse involving MILLIONS of little girls, right now.
Yet, the United States and every other Western country maintain positive and very lucrative relationships with these countries where pedophilia is perfectly legal, and do not say a word about it. Even Western "woman's rights" groups are outrageously silent on the matter, while whining about the Polanski incident from 32 years ago. It's really something to behold.
Racist IOC Members Diss the Messiah
Drudge: The Ego Has Landed
Worshipers at the holy church of Obama are stunned:


Hey, I'm a citizen of the world now... just like you know who.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
POLL: 69% of Americans Say Obama is Too Weak on Iran
Most Americans say they are worried about Iran developing a nuclear weapons program, and think President Obama should be tougher on the rogue nation. In addition, a clear majority supports the use of force to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
According to a new FOX News poll released Thursday, a sizable 69 percent majority of Americans thinks President Obama has not been tough enough on Iran. That includes over half of Democrats (55 percent), two-thirds of independents (67 percent) and almost all Republicans (88 percent).
Some 16 percent of Americans think the president's actions have been "about right" and hardly any -- 6 percent -- say he has been "too tough" on Iran.