Monday, May 25, 2009

Netanyahu: Only Israel Will Remove the Iranian Nuclear Threat. Obama Will Not.

Speaking before Likud party loyalists:

"Israel is not like other countries... We are faced with security challenges that no other country faces, and our need to provide a response to these is critical, and we are answering the call.... These are not regular times. The danger is hurtling toward us. The real danger is underestimating the threat... My job is first and foremost to ensure the future of the state of Israel ... the leadership's job is to eliminate the danger. Who will eliminate it? It is us or no one".
Of course, when Netanyahu says "no one", he means immoral people who have a tendency to bow and grovel before the worst sort of despots:
Here is how the politician Obama will play it: He will not deal with Iran's nuclear program and will by default force Israel to do the job. If things go well, he will weasel in on the credit, hinting at behind the scenes maneuvers, winks and nods and "green lights" and such. If things go badly, he will of course express "disappointment" in Israel and point to his administrations earlier "warnings" about the consequences. That's what passes for "leadership" in the US these days.

Meanwhile, it looks like the American President's new friends are selling uranium to Iran. Maybe he can charm them into behaving nicely, like he charmed a hopelessly gullible Jewish community into voting for him.


  1. Great poster. I need that in the office :) God bless Israel.

  2. President Barack Hussein strained relations
    with valuable US allies like Israel (strong military power and the only democracy in middle-east),Hussein also strained relations with India (great military power, and world's largest democracy and a counter-force against China, Pakistan)at great strategic loss to US.
    President Hussein is cold toward Israel and
    India because both these ountries are non-muslim. You well and truly hava a Mullah
    in the White House.

  3. President Barack Hussein strained relations
    with valuable US allies like Israel (strong military power and the only democracy in middle-east),Hussein also strained relations with India (great military power, and world's largest democracy and a counter-force against China, Pakistan)at great strategic loss to US.
    President Hussein is cold toward Israel and
    India because both these ountries are non-muslim. You well and truly hava a Mullah
    in the White House.


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