Friday, January 02, 2009

Funeral or Target?

While some people call this a funeral, others call it a target and a missed opportunity. Undoubtedly, many of Hamas' most fanatical followers are in this procession. I mean who else would show up for the funeral for the head of Hamas' military wing Nizar Rayan? The beards usually indicate a devotion to more radical Islamic leanings. Notice how there are no women, just young men of fighting age. Had Israel evaporated this procession with a half ton precision guided bomb, which it easily could have done, would that be considered "targeting civilians?" I think not. The fact that Palestinians feel free to gather like this as Israeli civilians are instructed to avoid large gatherings, tells us that Hamas understands the limits of Israel's resolve. The loud pronouncements that this is "total war" are ridicules because if it was, this procession would have been evaporated... or never have taken place at all.


  1. What a sausage fest!

  2. A half ton precision bomb? Hmm...we haven't thought of that one but might just give it a try.

  3. I have an idea How about just along with each other and stop acting like a bunch of 2 year olds fighting in the playground, or just go ahead blow each other off the face of the earth and be done with it

  4. isreal controls what goes in and out of gaza,they are opposed to any country,helping amas with amunitions,yet israel recieve billions of dollars in sufisticated weapons yeary from usa,its like going to a boxing fight,with ak 47,while insisting that ur opponents hands & legs be tied.shame on israel

  5. Israel does not control the smuggling tunnels across the Egyption border. How do you think they got these GRAD missiles that they are firing at Israeli cities? All Hamas had to do was to live in peace...but no... they chose for years to lob missiles at Israeli cities as Israel did nothing in response. There are no Israeli "settlers" in Gaza and there are no Isreali soldiers in Gaza. Now Israel is responding and you cry like a baby. Maybe you and your Hamas friends should have thought about the disparity in military streanth before sending rockets into Israel? How stupid can a person be? Have you ever heard of the old saying: You don't tug on Supermans cape.

  6. live in peace??? when they are oppressed on 10% of theirland???,amas won the elections in gaza and israel & its number 1 ally usa,did not allow them to govern????yet they claim to believe in democracy........yea live in peace.hypocrites.

  7. Half ton precision bomb isn't large enough. Five 2,000 pound bombs dropped on them from one end to the other would finish them all off in 5 minutes and take care of all the hamas fighters. The cemeteries would be very busy digging holes. Time to finish them off.

  8. are you serious? people like you must me gotten rid of before the world can know true peace and prosperity... here is to your and your kinds demise


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