Well hey, if these guys are for Obama, maybe you should be too.
Not an angry Republican:
Obama: I'm a Socialist who wants to take your money and give it to my friends:
Larwyn’s Linx: The Addicted, Petty, and Hysterical Left
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Read the bestselling book *The Parasitic Mind*, by Gad Saad
• The Addicted, Petty, and Hyste...
2 hours ago
The October Surprise—Suit To Remove Barack Obama From The Ballot. Barack Obama And The Democratic National Committee Are Committing Fraud On The American People
Barack Hussein Obama is dangerous for America:
I am of course aware of that lawsuit. I don't believe it has credibility and I don't believe it will go anywhere, other than to discredit our own credibility so I am not promoting that issue on my site. Of course, should the matter gain legs and more credibility, I will reevaluate. Many thanks,