Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dem Bailout Proposal Slips in Billions to Democrat Slush Fund ACORN

Noooo, the Democrats aren't playing politics with this massive bailout. They're just funneling billions in to their own slush funds hoping it will go unnoticed during this hour of desperation for the American people. Good lord! As reported today in the Wall Street Journal:

What we have here essentially are a pair of government slush funds created in July as part of the Economic Recovery Act that pump tax dollars into the coffers of low-income housing advocacy groups, such as Acorn.

Acorn, one of America's most militant left-wing "community activist groups," is spending $16 million this year to register Democrats to vote in November. In the past several years, Acorn's voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri and Washington, while several of their employees have been convicted of voter fraud.

Along with other potential recipients of these funds, including the National Council of La Raza and the Urban League, Acorn has promoted laws like the Community Reinvestment Act, which laid the foundation for the house of cards built out of subprime loans. Thus, we'd be funneling more cash to the groups that helped create the lending mess in the first place.

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