Monday, July 28, 2008

Mental Illness: It Could Happen To You

Just when you thought Obama supporters over at couldn't possibly come up with a more embarrassing ad than the last one, when that weird-looking chick insisted that McCain "can't have" her baby. They give us this:

Apparently, are looking to corner that critical, mental illness swing constituency for Barack Obama.

One would think they must at least wonder about their own ads when their political opposition eagerly posts them all over the Internet as an object of humor and evidence of their bizarre mentality.


  1. 'One would think they must at least wonder about their own ads when their political opposition eagerly posts them all over the Internet as an object of humor and evidence of their bizarre mentality.'

    But they have HOPE!

  2. I don't get it,are they trying to say all of the hopeful people are bird brains or little chickens?

    M. Wilcox

  3. LOL! Bizarre mentality is an understatement. Professors have sent me their studies that discuss liberal thinking being a mental illness.


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