Barack Hussein Obama's entire background still shrouded in unprecedented mystery for a Presidential candidate: I have found this site to have documented the most comprehensive narrative of Barack Hussein Obama's background.
Now why would anyone refuse to release their birth certificate? The basic information on a birth certificate is: Date and time of Birth:
Full Name:
Name of Mother:
Name of Father:
Location of Birth:
I truly don't believe that there will be any big surprises but by refusing to release such a basic document, Obama is feeding the rumor mill, and causing folks to make observations about the BHO double standard like this: "The New York Times ran a huge front page article about John McCain being born in the Panama Canal Zone and whether McCain is disqualified to be president. The New York Times ran a huge front page article and an editorial claiming that McCain would not release his medical records to the NY Times. The NY Times did a huge front page article with “unnamed sources” claiming McCain had an extramarital affair. As for Obama, the Times has never once examined his citizenship issues (fair is never fair with the Times) and never addressed his top advisor Jim Johnson getting sweetheart loans from Countrywide that were not available to working folks. This is what passes for fairness at the New York Times."
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