Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jim Johnson: The Obama Double Standard Strikes Again

Slate tells us that:

Jim Johnson, the man Barack Obama has picked to lead his vice-presidential vetting team, has gotten preferential treatment for personal loans from Countrywide Financial, a company Sen. Obama and others have blamed for helping to create the subprime mortgage mess.

Obama called out Countrywide by name on the campaign trail during the primaries. He particularly criticized the company's CEO for his excessive compensation and more generally "infecting the economy and helping to create a home foreclosure crisis," which he linked not only to the 2 million who lost their houses but to school districts that couldn't purchase supplies and pay teachers. This is the same CEO who gave Johnson his sweetheart deal. Obama's aides also criticized Clinton's then-campaign strategist, Mark Penn, for giving PR advice to the company.
When asked to explain the appointment, this was Obama's response:

Now simply imagine if it was McCain who made this appointment, and then gave this slippery explanation. What would the media reaction have been then?

Notice how Obama is suddenly down-playing the importance of the Jim Johnson appointment. Other than Obama himself, no one will have more influence over who will be Obama's running mate for the Vice Presidency of the United States. Yet Obama describes him as only "Tangentially related to the campaign." Is it possible to be more disingenuous and still keep a straight face?
Virtually every day that passes, another BO double standard, and another outrageous assertion by the Messiah that goes mostly unscrutinized.

UPDATE: The Messaih decides that he can no longer take the heat on this issue, throws Jim Johnson under the bus.

1 comment:

  1. Checking the background of senior campaign leadership is simply too time-consuming and Barry should not be expected to do it. He's saving his energy for all the tedious chores an actual president has to do.

    Oh, and don't criticize him. Ever. For ANY reason. It isn't done.


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