The Penguins have now been removed by NBC, but the glacial cleaving remains...the fraud continues. Just like there are no Penguins on the North Pole, there are no glaciers at the North Pole and Glacial cleaving is a natural occurrence that has nothing to do with "Global Warming":
MSNBC reports on a youth's journey to the North Pole to learn about "global warming" and melting pack-ice. Hmmm. Never mind that the North Pole pack-ice coverage is at a record high now, following our treacherous 2007-2008 winter, but MSNBC shows Penguins on the North Pole ice!!! They also show natural glacial cleaving from what is probably the Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia on the other side of the world, as evidence of North Pole melting Ice!!! Good lord, the lies never end. Yes, for you gullible global-warmers, there are no Penguins on the North Pole; and ALL glaciers cleave naturally, having nothing to do with global warming (but falling ice does make for dramatic footage to make a false point for stupid people).
Update: Sam from NBC Nightly News comments:Hey all -
Sam misses the point...this is not about NBC mixing in the wrong footage. It's about how the entire "Global Warming" fraud is pushed on the public with this kind of dishonest nonsense. The the whole mentality that leads to this kind of fraud. In my view the Glacier cleaving is more disturbing and dishonest than Penguins at the north pole, which is funny and symbolic. It's the glacial cleaving that is the truly misleading shot...Al Gore did used the same kind of misleading footage in "An Inconvenient Truth."
Sam from Nightly News here - and a little embarrassed. No - penguins haven't migrated north. In fact, I just spoke to my colleagues in London who put together this segment and they realized they flubbed by putting the penguin footage in this segment. They are fixing now and we'll repost shortly. Thanks for pointing it out and keeping us on our toes.
Check out my post on glaciers here.
Check out my report on hysteria about "Global Cooling" in the 1970's here
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