Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea and the UN

Iran Blames U.S. for N. Korea Nuke Test
'Israel has cause for concern over N. Korea's nuclear test'
Heroshima's Mayor: I feel anger over North Korea's nuclear test
South Korea 'suspends aid shipment to North'


  1. I turned on the news this morning about 5:00 and saw what he'd done... and for some reason, asI stood in the shower, I started humming the "I'm so ronery" song.

  2. LOL, very good. Yes he does remind me rather of a James Bond character. "The absurdly slow dipping mechanism".

  3. Joseph: Hysterical! The NoKoCommie is played perfectly. I just played it for my wife. She didn't get it.

    Fred Garvin


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