When this item first appeared on the wires, my instinct was to declare it a “possible” case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, because it seemed very similar to the recent attack at the University of North Carolina by an Iranian-American Muslim student on an SUV rampage. The name of this latest attacker is Omeed Aziz Popal who just returned from a trip to Afgahnistan. The fact that the attacker struck two people in front of the Jewish Community Center in San Francisco is too much of a coincidence considering the recent attack on the Seattle JCC only a few weeks ago. Although all the facts are not in so I am hedging slightly, but this is clearly shaping up as another case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome which will likely be ignored by the main-stream media just as all the other attacks have been. That’s why the blogasphere is so vital, The Neocon and others will follow this closely
The Bacteria of Stupidity
Will Ahmadinejad Stop in Time?
Forecasting the Future of the West
What happens when migration isn't accompanied by assimilation?
The power of AI offers us an ability to forecast the future.
What happens if Western socie...
11 hours ago
My plan to kick off Muslins of the West:
ReplyDeleteAs in "Miami Vice" way, we could play fake roles as 'terror leaders conspirators' visiting every Muslim family in West; and in private, invitate them to 'do the Jihad' - blowing up themselves, shooting the crowds on streets, poisoning Water Reservoir cities - as some of them tried to do in London(istan) in 2005 - etc, in order to 'exterminate all the infidel population tomorrow'.
All the Muslins who DON'T call Police and keep secret about the Jihad conspirace would be arrested and expatriated.
Simple, doesn't it?
The complete anti-Islam files