Iranian/Syrian supplied rockets land in the Jezreel Valley, fired by Hezbollah or Iranian Revolutionary Guards. This marks the southern-most reach of rockets fired into Israel as Hezbollah’s strategy seems to be to gradually bomb further south, deeper into Israeli population centers as the situation unfolds. If, as is obvious and clear, Syria and Iran have supplied these weapons to this terrorist organization, it would not be a great leap to contemplate that they have also supplied them with chemical or biological capabilities as Hezbollah Chief Nesrallah seems to be alluding to by constantly referring to; “They have no idea of our capabilities or the kinds of weapons we have”. The current nightmare scenario involves Syrian/Iranian supplied missiles, tipped with WMD capability, landing in Israeli population centers.
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IAF hits 5 long-range rocket launchers
Tags: Terror, Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit
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