It is truly difficult to take seriously the confused statement emanating from the G-8 Summit in Russia. On the one hand, the statement briefly (and correctly) blames the Terrorist organizations for instigating the crisis; but then they proceed to dwell at length on calls for the exercise of “restraint” on the part of the victim of this aggression. No word on calls for restraining or defeating the terrorists and their state sponsors. No word on a call to disarm Hezbollah and the implementation of UN resolutions calling for Lebanon to exercise sovereignty on its own border. Basically, the statement says: ‘the terrorists are bad, but Israel should restrain itself. Wow!
Mark Steyn hits the diplomatic nail on the head in his latest piece 'Great Men' have grating effect on Mideast" in today's Chicago Sun Times. An absolute must read, a small tast below:
"I was on the road the other night and so found myself watching CNN's coverage of Israel, Lebanon, Gaza, etc. It was "Larry King Live," and it was one of those shows where Larry interviews great men about what needs to be done and the great men all agree that what needs to be done is that the president needs to get other great men involved to "broker" a "deal." Sen. Chuck Hagel proposed that Bush appoint Colin Powell or Jim Baker as his Special Envoy; Sen. Barbara Boxer proposed that Bush appoint Madeleine Albright as his Even More Special Envoy. Sen. George Mitchell, who himself served as Extra-Special Super-Duper Envoy a few years back, proposed that Bush involve the European Union. And someone else proposed the G-8. And Larry suggested Putin. Oh, and some smooth-talking apologist in Savile Row pinstripes proposed Chirac, because he and Bush had agreed a U.N. resolution on something or other a year or two back. Aside from Larry's closing tribute to Red Buttons, I've never heard more rubbish in a single hour since . . . well, come to think of it, since the last time I saw "Larry King Live."
It's easy to fly in a guy in a suit to hold a meeting. Half the fellows inside the Beltway have Middle East "peace plans" named after them. Bush flew in himself a year or two back to announce his "road map." Before that it was Cheney, who flew in with the Cheney plan, which was a plan to open up a road map back to the last plan, which would get us back to "Tenet," which would get us back to "Mitchell," which would get us back to "Wye River," which would get us back to "Oslo," which would get us back to Kansas."
listen to Mark Steyn
Israel strikes its tormentors
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EDITORIAL: Defending Israel
Haifa bombing "just the beginning"
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Emergency measures at Haifa oil refineries, plants
Tags: Terror, Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit
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