Bottom-feeding for Islamo Petrol-dollars, a University produces one of the most despicable documents ever generated by a University in this country: two academics (John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt), one from Harvard and one from University of Chicago have produced the American version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Their general thesis is that since 1967, all US Presidents and the United States Congress have been hijacked; have knowingly, or have been duped into surrendering US interests to a conspiracy of international Zionist Jews who have taken control of US foreign policy through a scheming and secretive lobbying organization in Washington (AIPAC). This lobby, according to the report has forced policies on whimppy US elected officials that are contrary to our national interest. Wow!
In the minds of the authors, US government support for Israel couldn’t possibly be a reflection of the overwhelming majority of the American public, who in every poll done on this matter, support Israel; a tiny nation surrounded by a sea of totalitarian, hostile, backwards, religious fanatics who represent the antithesis of every basic Western value, and who's more extreem elements would in the name of Allah blow up Washington DC (and Harvard) in a heartbeat if only given the chance.
This sick document is particularly disturbing because it wasn’t written by a few nut-jobs hiding up in Idaho, but is instead wrapped in the “respectable” cloak of academia, under the logo of Harvard University no less, an institution that just fired its President for opposing this kind of nonsense. Harvard has been the recent recipient of very large petrol-dollar donations from totalitarian Islamic-Arab regimes, and clearly, it's payback time.
Far from being a secret; AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby in America operates openly with over 100,000 dues-paying members and millions of supporters who are US citizens, from many backgrounds and religions, from all 50 states. Any US citizen is welcomed to join, sign up for their newsletters, can visit their web site at ,, where their operations and objectives are open for all to see. In fact, you are encouraged to sign up and exercise your God given constitutional right to participate in petitioning your government to support the strategic relationship between the United States and Israel, if you choose to do so.
Tags: Aipac, Harvard, Jews, Christian, Islam, Politics
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