Stuck in a time-warp, French hippy want-a-be “youth” took to the streets to defend the Socialist nanny-state today. Never mind that France is an economic basket-case well on its way to an Islamo-Cuba-like lifestyle. Usually one would expect the youth of any vibrant nation to lead the charge for dynamic change, not to preserve the crusty status-quo. But this is France you see, where the average college kid possesses the intellectual depth of a kindergartner.
Simultaneously, on the third anniversary of the Iraq war, more burnt-out hippies, their younger want-a-bees and Islamo-fascist sympathizers participated in “anti-war” protests in various countries around the world. Naturally, signs shouting “BUSH IS THE WORLDS #1 TERRORIST” and DOWN DOWN USA, were all part of the "deep" messages conveyed.
From SondraK
The roots of jihad
Tags: France, Iraq, Riots, Socialisim, Islam
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12 hours ago
No I think the French are just tired of B.S.