"Even after the experience of the Great War, and the Depression, people on the eve of the Hitler war could not appreciate what was coming. It is only in retrospect that we understand what happened as the 1930s progressed -- when a spineless political class, eager at any price to preserve a peace that was no longer available, performed endless demeaning acts of appeasement to the Nazis; while the Nazis created additional grievances to extract more."
The above quote is just a small taste from David Warren's strong piece in today’s Ottawa Citizen. Written with clarity, reason, and with history in mind; well worth the read and highly recommended by the Neocon.
Power, maturity steer Christian movement
What's the alternative to promoting freedom in the Middle East?
Fund: Jihadi Turns Bulldog
VDH: Jihad & Absolute Certainty
This interesting article in Slate,Europe vs. Radical Islam, shows that even the left in the US are begining to understand the emerging clash of civilizations. Although the article can't help but take a few swipes at some on the right, the reality is slowly sinking in, that both right and left will need to be in this together if a positive future is to be molded from this mess.
Iran Leader: U.S. Should Give Up Nukes
Many thanks for the memories Dennis Weaver.
Larwyn’s Linx: Jeffrey Sachs and the Global Migration Machine
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Read the bestselling book *The Parasitic Mind*, by Gad Saad
• A Broken Party: Shrill, Fringe...
7 hours ago
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