Bad news for President Bush on the US port issue. Former President Jimmy Carter has come to the Presidents defense on this escalating matter, which is a sure indication that the President is on the wrong side of the issue. The Neocon is generally a strong supporter of the President, but this is a no-win political situation for the President, as well as a real potential security miscalculation. Mr. President, when Jimmy Carter is coming out for you, you know it’s time to reconsider.
Joe Gelman
Russia's role in the Middle East
"Our nation is on the threshold of new energy technology that I think will startle the American people," Bush said. "We're on the edge of some amazing breakthroughs - breakthroughs all aimed at enhancing our national security and our economic security and the quality of life of the folks who live here in the United States."
President George W. Bush
Larwyn’s Linx: Victoria Nuland’s son is part of a USAID group fighting
Trump’s efforts to end the Ukraine War.
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• Victoria Nuland’s son is part of a USAID group fighting Trump’s efforts
to end Ukraine War...
6 hours ago
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