Sunday, January 15, 2006

The origins of the Great War of 2007 - and how it could have been prevented:


  1. You have also misspelled: "William BENNETT" -- "Ann COULTER" -- "Charles KRAUTHAMMER"

  2. Taumarunui presents a good counter analysis.

  3. Joe,

    I appreciate your hard hitting analysis and keeping me up to date with multiple sourced info!

    Daily Telegraph, Professor Niall Ferguson's analysis is a myopic fairy tale symptomatic of academic fairly land where arguements are all too often taken out of context in all assuming steams of stupidity, such as, assuming thier are clear victories in a nuclear exchange and that Iran's Shehab-3 will be easily shot down by anti-balistic systems. Even Orbital, makers of US missles defense technology has not developed a system that is 100%....and when you are talking about a narrrow 12 mile-wide strip of land that is easily hit by katuysha missles from the North and Kassam rocket from the South and potential of delievery from the the Meditarnean has not even been considered--let's not be so confident. It only takes one. Professor Ferguson you get an F.

    Iranian journalists in exile can be read at

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    Good counter-thoughts. I don't think Professor Ferguson's piece was meant to be anything other than a thought provoking essay. He certainly didn't mean it as a statement of fact. It is true that Israel's anti-missile system is probably imperfect, but the Israeli-made Arrow system is likely superior and more tested than anything Orbital makes (did Orbital participate in that program? I’m not sure). I found Professor Ferguson's piece an interesting read. Of course it was all hypothetical, but meant to illustrate from history's perspective that in-action can sometimes lead to far more devastating results than early intervention.


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