Thursday, July 01, 2010

Crackpot "Historians" rank Obama ahead of Reagan

He won a Nobel Peace Prize and a Grammy without lifting a finger. Now a select group of "Historians" have ranked the most incompetent President in US history, Obama, ahead of one of the most successful presidencies in US history, Ronald Reagan. Reagan of course only managed to bring a 40-year cold war to a victorious end without firing a single shot, and created the longest and most prosperous economic expansion in human history. But hey, what is all of that compared to the ah... wonderful situation today under our 'Dear Leader'?

1 comment:

  1. >Reagan of course only managed to bring a 40-year cold war to a victorious end without firing a single shot,

    Yeah, no, he didn't. What he did do however was sell weapons to both the what would one day be the Taliban and Iran.

    Gosh, I wonder what you'd say if Carter or Clinton had done that?

    >and created the longest and most prosperous economic expansion in human history.

    What colour is the sky in your world? It went on for about 6 years and then collapsed into another recession. Nor was it "the most prosperous" in any history.

    You really have no interest in reality do you?


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