Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Darrell "Shifty" Powers, Dead at 86

A simple soldier in the Paratroopers Easy Company. "Shifty" was the "best sharp-shooter" in the company and he fought through some of the most ferocious battles of World War II and survived. From Normandy to the end of the war. Below is a video in honor of the humble "Shifty". He was no Michael Jackson, he was a simple person who deserved far more respect than that hoopla surrounding Jackson. This is from the Band of Brothers which depicted "Shifty" and his buddies. At the end of the video, "Shifty" is saluted and released to go back home at the end of the war. if my memory serves me correctly, he told his commander with a hesitation in his voice: "Sir, I...I... I don't quit know how I'm going to explain all of this when I get home sir." It was a moving and memorable scene of a vulnerable young man who had just been through hell and back:


  1. After watching Band of Brothers, one cannot escape the feeling that you know these men. I've obviously never met them, but my wife's grandfather was also a paratrooper in the war, and it opened eyes as to why he was the way he was. Shifty and all of the veterans deserve much more than Michael Jackson did for a send off, but they wouldn't want that. They were simple men who did the job they signed up and were asked to do. Great men, the likes of which, we may never see again!


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