Monday, May 04, 2009

Court-Jew Emanuel: Thwarting Iranian Nukes Depends on Israeli-Palestinian Talks

This is what Newt Gingrich, and the new Israeli Ambassador were referring to when describing the Obama Administration as downright dangerous for Israel. This Administration is actually conditioning action on thwarting Iranian Nukes, to Israel making concessions to Arab radicals. I'm speechless.

So lets get this straight, the Obama administration is perfectly willing to see Iran go NUCLEAR, unless Israel does what Obama and his court-Jew want on the Palestinian front. WOW! I say call his bluff. What a bunch of A#@-Holes.

UPDATE: Obama's State Deprtment calls on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Of course, Iran is a signator of the NNPT and is developing nuclear weapons.

UPDATE: Biden attacks Israel at AIPAC.


  1. I'm not Jewish, what does court Jew mean?

  2. Simply Google "court jew" and read. It's part insult and part compliment. In this case it was meant as an insult.


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