Friday, January 16, 2009

Moran Medical Students in the US Sign Pro-Hamas Petition Then Threaten to Sue When It's Published By Debbie Schlussel

Fireworks all around!

This is the funniest thing I've read this week. A group of moonbat medical students signed a pro-Hamas petition. Debbie Schlussel published their names on her blog and now their names have ended up on Google as being supporters of terrorists in Gaza. Not exactly a good career move for a future doctor.

So now some of the "brave" students who signed the petition but didn't really think that anyone would notice, are threatening to sue Debbie Schlussel for making them famous and potentially damaging their careers. of course, as many of us know, Debbie Schlussel is a very competent lawyer herself and isn't exactly intimidated by such threats.


  1. I think these medical student are cawards and terrists themself. I belief if you you support a terrist you should be called a terrist. If they are proud of association why do they think it is wrong for people to know who they are.

  2. Thanks to Debbie for publishing their names. Now that their info has been published for the whole world to see, they suddenly are having second thoughts. Hopefully these morons suffer as much as possible.

  3. Baktash
    Kabul Afghanistan

    The fascist minded has thier bloddy hands on everything of the new world and enslaved the entire west, are trying to hide and change people minds. Your inhuman and cruelity will not last for ever, you either be punished by those you enslaved or the by others any day ahead. Like Pheroh of Egypt.
    Ride as much as you can, the day of reconning will be very soon.

    I assure you all, your cant stop people allwoing you to commit all these crimes.

  4. "The fascist minded has thier bloddy hands on everything of the new world and enslaved the entire west, are trying to hide and change people minds. Your inhuman and cruelity will not last for ever, you either be punished by those you enslaved or the by others any day ahead. Like Pheroh of Egypt.
    Ride as much as you can, the day of reconning will be very soon.

    I assure you all, your cant stop people allwoing you to commit all these crimes."

    LOL what an idiot


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