Possibly the dumbest person in America, Woopi Goldberg, asks McCain if she needs to worry about becoming as slave again.
Of course, most far-lefties are so hysterical about Roe vs. Wade, they haven't a clue that should Roe-V-Wade be overturned, abortion would not be suddenly made illegal, but merely sent back to individual states to decide their own policy. So California can decide that it wants to keep killing baby's and calling it a "choice," while Indiana could decide to impose its own restrictions on the practice. McCain asserts, and I agree that there is simply nothing in the constitution that mandates a "constitutional right" to kill babies.
Larwyn’s Linx: Reported Senate Offer: We’ll Give You Matt Gaetz in DOJ, if
You Give us Mike Rogers in FBI? No Deal!
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• Senate Report: We’ll Give You Gaetz in DOJ, if You G...
1 hour ago
Wow the Whoopster must be the richest ex slave in the world, how long was she in captivity?