Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who Can Better Relate to the Average American?

From the folks that like to criticize Palin as "out of touch" and question how many houses McCain's wife owns:

Barack Obama's Multi-million dollar mansion in Chicago:
Joe Biden's Multi-million dollar mansion on the water in Delaware:
Al Gore's Multi-million dollar mansion in Tennessee:
Sarah Palin's first and only House, built by her Husband Todd:

I'm really struggling to get a feel for who's more in touch with the real America.

h/t: Gateway Pundit


  1. glad to know that supporters like you continue to run on a vp pick rather than the person at the head of the ticket...who i believe has several houses courtesy of his wife

  2. glad to know that supporters like you continue to ATTACK a vp pick rather than the person at the head of the ticket...who i believe has several houses courtesy of his wife AND NEVER ATTENDED A RACIST ANTI-AMERICAN CHURCH.

    M. Wilcox


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