Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Friend Walks 800 km Across Spain! El Camino de Santiago

A very close friend of mine whom I have known since the age of 10, just completed an 800 Kilometer walk through Spain in 32 straight days. We are very proud of his achievement! You can see the entire walk in an incredible series of 434 photos here. The trip started off badly as a commercial airliner crashed at the Madrid Airport while he was there to connect to a flight where his long march began in the South of France.
El Camino de Santiago is the 'Way of Saint James'. Although my friend is Jewish and a successful businessman, he wanted to take time off to experience this challenging pilgrimage, and can't say enough good things about the incredible scenery and warm people he met on this long journey.


  1. Hola!
    A Jewish friend would like to walk el camino.
    Would it be possible to contact your friend?
    He can contact me via my blog - or email me a sillydoll (at) gmail . com
    Many thanks,

  2. I will forward this to my friend. many thanks for the contact.


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