I can proudly say with confidence that the Neocon Express was the first to introduce the idea of a fund to assist Barack Obama's brother, George Obama, who lives in abject poverty in Kenya. Obama has not lifted a finger to help his brother out of this horrible situation but purports to be ready to lift us all out of our financial crisis here in America. Meanwhile, Dinesh D'Souza has moved forward with the "George Obama Compassion Fund". I congratulate him for that:
So isn't it interesting that we keep hearing about Sarah Palin's peccadilloes while the major media continues to ignore the George Obama scandal? Here is a guy living in ThirdWorld poverty and his half-brother is the leading candidate to become the next president of the United States. Are the networks and major newspapers so exhilarated at the prospect of an African American president that they have become cheerleaders for the Obama campaign? Fortunately the McCain campaign is making the media an issue, and I hope the American people are smart enough to see through the news charade.
Here are the facts about George Obama. He’s in his twenties. He lives in a slum in a hut. He wants to become a mechanic but doesn’t have the money. He reports that he gets by on a dollar a month. He met George Obama in 2006 for a few minutes and said it was like talking to a “total stranger.” He said when people notice he has the same name as Barack Obama, he denies they are related because he is “ashamed.” The Democratic presidential candidate, who made $4 million last year, hasn’t lifted a finger to help his half-brother.
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