Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Video Portrait of Barack Obama

This is what we know. My guess is that it represents about 2%, and there is another 98% that we don't know.


  1. Holy crap, this is extraordinarily biased. I'm not saying it's all wrong, but those parts aren't entirely relevant at the moment. My biggest objections: the majority of this video uses religion as it's argumental basis, stereotypes people almost as much as it accuses other people of stereotyping, portrays black people as a whole negatively, and does not tell the entire story, and misrepresents Obama's words. And as an aside: I've lived through most of my ADOLESCENT life now, and I STILL am not proud of our country. We frankly don't make very many good decisions as Americans.

  2. I wish they could play this video on network television. It sure makes you think.


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