This commercial is NOT a parody:
Imagine living in a country that suppresses free speech by allowing lawsuits for "defamation" on the slightest whim. Imagine living in a country that forces its citizens to pay for a "licence" to watch a biased, government-run TV channel. Imagine living in a country with a surveillance camera on every street corner. Imagine living in a country infested by unrestrained Islamo-fascism, antisemitism and left-wing radicalism...and you begin to understand modern Britain. Hopefully, the Tory's can turn things around.
How a Former Afghan Jihadist Began Covering Trump for the Voice of America
In 2017, the Voice of America attacked President Trump's travel ban on
Muslim terrorist countries. What the VOA did not tell viewers was that its
13 hours ago
LOL Interesting to see that here. I saw this very advert today on TV and was thinking exactly the same thing.
ReplyDeletePeople here have been discussing these kind of adverts with a chuckle (they've been around for about a year or so) which previously had a gruff deep male voice speaking (clearly they are going for a feminine touch with their threats now), along the lines of - "You can't run. We'll find you" in regard to benefit fraud.
You are right that Labour has been a dark age here for many things, along with bringing good things. Surveillance cameras on 'every' street corner isn't accurate though. Only in certain places are they so plentiful. Usually commercial streets/supermarkets and in town centres where there are lots of pubs/clubs (and trouble).
When figures say about 4 million cameras (or whatever it is) it is not 4 million 'government' cameras watching our every move, but largely business and other sectors using them for security and other things. Unrestrained Islamo Fascism is no longer the case here either.
At one time it certainly was Londonistan, but a lot has changed in the last two years or so to tear a lot of these organizations apart.
Few of them can as openly rant as they used to and make threats. Websites have been closed down, hardline madrassas masquerading as some kind of moderate faith school have been investigated, and more.
Several of the worst preachers have been put in jail or kicked out of Britain and had their passports made void. Anti Semitism? Not much of an issue as far as I know of. Personally I've never met any anti Jewish folks since being born here.
People are more suspicious of Muslim organizations than Jews. The 'Sneaky Jew World Conspiracy' kind of trend (which also occurs in the U.S I'd add) is mostly only embraced by a certain 'type' of person. The same type of people who jump up and down yelling "Free Tibet" without knowing the complex history involved in that situation.
Left wing radicalism? Again, in areas but it's not as ingrained as you may think. It really depends on where you live. Free speech? Labour has indeed installed a huge amount of draconian laws over the years, which I myself have protested about. Several of these I'd like the Conservatives to remove, but I don't hold my breath about that.
And, the Beeb for all its failings does put out some pretty good documentarys at times. Oddly enough only yesterday there was a good documentary on the Israel/Palestine situation in which they pulled no punches in exposing the dirty linen of 'both' sides. Yes really, it was one of the most accurate and balanced depictions I've seen.
Whoever is holding a strict one sided view, will always see a channel as bias. People of the other side will call it bias too. Some look at a news report and say it's so Pro Israel it's absurd. Others see the same report and say it's so Pro Palestinian it's absurd. We all see what we want.
Will Tory rule change things? The masses hope so, but others who know the Conservatives a lot better are skeptical that they'll reverse what Labour has installed. If something Labour installed gives Government power over people, the Conservatives won't want to give it up. And David Cameron is a Tony Blair wannabe in ways, with some equally strange ideas for society.
If the Tories get into power and start reversing what has been installed by Labour over 10 years, then they will be welcome. But I don't hold my breath for any dramatic changes if they get in.
People have bad memories of the Conservatives here, and are viewing any possible re-election of them as more of a 'thorn being used to remove a thorn'. We know they won't be a fresh new beginning, but it seems we need to get them in for a while in order to remove the cancer of Labour and teach them a lesson that they are not invincible.
If people do vote for Conservatives when it comes to the crunch, I don't know. We shall see. There are comfortable aspects of Labour that the chronically lazy won't want to give up, and that is what worries me. A case of "Better the devil you know". Time will tell, about this.
"British" does seem optimistic about Britain...or is it just that stiff upper lip? In any event let's hope you are right.
By the way, most British anti-Semitism can be found in the Muslim populations, as well as the hard left...George Galloway, Red Ken...the "boycott Israel" whack-jobs in "academia"...etc... You are correct that the old-style Jew-baiting conspiracy theorists of the hard-right have been largely marginalized.
ReplyDelete>>>most British anti-Semitism can be found in the Muslim populations, as well as the hard left...George Galloway, Red Ken...the "boycott Israel" whack-jobs in "academia"...etc.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Especially about the academia. It has become a 'trend' to boycott Israel in the field of universitys, I believe. My guess is that most of these people just get their idea of Israel from the news alone and are willing to boycott Israel on this alone. Absurd. Those who don't tow the line of being anti-Israel are treated as outcasts.
Even students can have a hard time of it apparently, if they don't tow the line. It's a horribly one sided situation and I agree it must end. Galloway certainly does a very bad job of hiding his Jew hate behind seeking fairness for the Palestinians. Red Ken? Yeah I think there was an element of that in him, and he raised a lot of eyebrows by being so supportive of the IslamExpo in London which amongst good speakers also hosted a little nest of Islamist vipers.
>>>"British" does seem optimistic about Britain...or is it just that stiff upper lip?
At times it can easily seem like things are 'going to the dogs' (as we say), because there are issues to be addressed. As in several countries though, the tabloid media has a lot to do with blowning this out of all proportion and giving the impression to the public and also to the outside world that we're weeks away from jack boots stamping on the face of freedom.
Enroaching on people's freedom has indeed gone too far at times, but luckily there are still enough people amongst the slumbering public and amongst ministers who are currently making life very very difficult for government to get that totalitarian power some of them want over aspects of people's lives. That is where optimism lies.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I sense that Britain has more to lose from boycotting Israeli academia than Israel does. It seems to me that more cutting-edge science and technology is coming out of Israel today than out of Britain.