Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries

"For this liberal it's going to be all about taking over your industry." They just can't hide their communist tendencies. They didn't create the industry, they don't own it, but they think they are entitled to arbitrarily steel it for "the good of the people."

They complain about high oil prices but oppose taking the single most important step that would help reduce prices, and that is opening up the coasts and Alaska for drilling. Currently, 40% of known US oil and natural gas resources are off limits to drilling.


  1. The people own ALL the oil- Not the oil companies there's nothing wrong about making a buck but their getting carried away and taking food out of my familys mouth-
    if the technology was here I'd buy electric in a heart beat

  2. Diesel is $5 a gallon in California and $9 a gallon in England. We had better wake up and do something about it or end up paying $9 a gallon like England here in the near future.

    There is a solution however. Genesis 255 Visa Prepaid Gas Cards Save 40% on gas or diesel at the station of your choice.

    Genesis 255 has the answer with a way to hedge against high fuel prices right at the pump.

  3. Yes, America is in trouble, and we have sure messed up. We have ruined the lives of so many including ourselves, but now the oil is the catalyst that will spark the revolt against government and replace it with one that will work and be free from corruption and contempt.

    The march is to usher in the revolt that will follow shortly after all Americans are sick and tired of being afraid and used by government and business for their own pleasure. Common Sense is the way to freedom and respect!

    No more games....its time to do something. America will be fixed. This march in Los Angeles for the Nationalization of Oil and the formation of a new Government will no doubt stir the hearts and souls of men and women in America to take back government and chain the "beast of Business" and get back on track. Los Angeles, California will be the place that the revolt against government began in 2008!

    The American Republic (Government) and the formation of the American Republic Army will be next!


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