Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Israel and the Phalanx C-RAM

This seems a reasonably good, relatively inexpensive solution to Israel's Gaza missile problem, at least in the short term until something more perfect is developed and deployed. I think perhaps the Israelis don't want to admit that the US has developed a superior solution to their own and are letting ego and pride get in the way of defending civilians in the line of Hamas fire.

Atlas has the story here.

1 comment:

  1. I've lived in the International Zone (formerly known as the Green Zone) since FEB 08. The C-RAM I know sounds a warning of incoming indirect fire, but does nothing to intercept it. I have no doubt the Phalanx C-RAM system exists and works, but don't believe it's been used here in the IZ. The big issue with employing it in a built up area would be the groundfall of those hundreds of 20mm projectiles. They would still carry plenty of energy, killing or maiming personnel unlucky enough to be in the impact area.


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