Under pressure...the true nature of most people will be exposed. Of course, Obama and his 20 years with Reverend Wright is just the flip side of the same Balkinizing mentality, so I'm not picking on Hillary. They really do deserve each other and it exposes the Democrat party for what it is: Home of every imaginable ethno-centric, sexual-orientation, Gender-centric special-interest grievance group... every possible everything but just plain Americans...
So the upshot of this mentality is that a race war between the special-interest constituencies is never far from the surface...exhibit A:
Larwyn’s Linx: Apocalypse Still Unspooling
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1 day ago
They both don't get it. They are the party of segregation. I'm a PA Conservative...duh. I would vote for a conservative candidate period. Black, white, male or female. In Hillary's case shemale. Pathetic.