It's really amazing to hear opponents of a strike on Iran constantly contradict the words of the very tyrant they are running interference for:
1) Western lefties always proclaim that Iran is "years away" from developing nuclear weapons. The Iranian leader in sharp contrast openly declares that they are one year away (with 3000 centrifuges) and that the process is "irreversible."
2) Lefties religiously rely on the UN as the arbiter of what is right and lawful. By contrast, Iran's leader openly laughs at the UN, declaring that he "could care not less what UN resolutions say." Lefties openly ignore this little inconvenience.
3) Lefties constantly recommend that the US "talk" and "negotiate" with Iran, as if talk will lead to a sudden Iranian surrender of their nuke ambitions. By contrast, the Iranian leader announced today that he had bluntly refused to negotiate over this issue with the US: "I, as your representative, told those who brought the message that we didn't ask for talks ... If talks are to be held, it is the Iranian nation that has to set conditions, not the arrogant and the criminals...the world must know that this nation will not give up one iota of its nuclear rights ... if they think they can get concessions from this nation, they are badly mistaken."
As much as they try, the poor lefties can't seem to get any assistance for their man Ahmadinejad. Personally, I tend to take Mr. Ahmadinejad's words far more seriously that I do the words of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Howard Dean.
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