If NOW were a feminist organization they would be busy studying how Muslim women are coerced into wearing head coverings. They would study this video; then would contemplate how things are said when the camera isn't rolling, and this is in a "moderate" environment. But of course, NOW is not a feminist organization, it's a leftist organization, so all of this matters not.
Larwyn’s Linx: Jeffrey Sachs and the Global Migration Machine
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Read the bestselling book *The Parasitic Mind*, by Gad Saad
• A Broken Party: Shrill, Fringe...
7 hours ago
If the nice mn wants someone to wear a hijab, a burqa, or even something metioned in, say, the Koran, why doesn't he put one of them on himself, and do us all a favor? Then he can get back to his wiring, batteries, metal scrap and explosives in his peaceful science project....