Britain's enemy-within were on the streets of London again today, this time directing their regularly scheduled rage at the Knighting of author Salman Rushdie. The demonstrators carried signs calling on God to curse the Queen, shouting "death to the Queen" and burning a flag of St. George. (Question: is anyone in England familiar with the word "DEPORTATION"?).
Meanwhile. in Pakistan anti British fervor is reaching new heights over the Knighting of Rushdie: "The British government has not withdrawn the title which has not only disappointed the entire Pakistani nation but has also hurt it. This august house again calls on the British government and its Prime Minister Tony Blair to immediately withdraw the title... and tender an apology to the Muslim world," Parliamentary Affairs Minister Sher Afgan Niazi told the Pakistan National Assembly.
Religious Affairs Minister Mohammad Ejaz-ul-Haq, son of Pakistan's late military president Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq, told the assembly this week that if someone committed a suicide bombing to protect the Prophet Mohammad's honour, his act was justified.
A hard line cleric called on Wednesday for Rushdie to be killed and the next day the speaker of the Punjab provincial assembly said blasphemers should be killed. A group of traders in Islamabad on Thursday offered a reward of 10 million rupees ($165,000) to anyone who killed Rushdie. I can already imagine a nuclear armed Pakistan going the way of Gaza.
Meanwhile, even with the fatwa on his head, Rushdie and his girlfriend are looking fine if I may say so myself (check out that scar on her arm!).Head-to-toe Muslim veils test tolerance of secular Britain
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