CNN did a terrible job, microphones weren't working and they split the debate into two segments which interrupted the flow. The questions were softball in the extreme and the entire "debate" was overly controlled, rehearsed, inauthentic, and lacked anywhere near the interesting confrontations that occurred in the second Republican debate. It was more like a coordinated infomercial in which candidates "competed" on the question of who was farther to the left on the Iraq war and every other subject. The only honest moments came when space alien Dennis Kucinich looked at the other candidates and accurately challenged them on their hypocrisy: "you say you want to end the war? You could end the war tomorrow by simply de-funding the war, but you won't do it." Naturally, the top-tier candidates had no answers for that and simply ignored it. The entire "debate" was an exercise in putting as many words into the smallest thought possible.
The ghost of DNC Chairman Howard Dean loomed heavy.
Hillary showed up as the best Bill she could be.
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How a Former Afghan Jihadist Began Covering Trump for the Voice of America
In 2017, the Voice of America attacked President Trump's travel ban on
Muslim terrorist countries. What the VOA did not tell viewers was that its
19 hours ago
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