Friday, April 20, 2007

Tape: Alec Baldwin Threatens his 11 Year old Daughter

If you would like to know how Hollywood's leading "liberal" voice, Alec Baldwin, treats children, you should go here. This is so disturbing I don't even know where to begin. But unlike conservatives, Baldwin "CAAAARES" about the world. Real Left wing values in action. This man is one step short of Cho Sueng Hui.

But on the other hand, Baldwin is a good actor, I'll give him that. (In Hollywood being a celebrity actor and a liberal counts for more than being a human being).

The Mainstream Media: Islamist Facilitators
Harry Reid's White Flag

1 comment:

  1. He went way over the top. But the question is, would you have bothered making such a big issue out of this if he were one of your "own" kind? (a Neocon). Cheap shot, in my opinion.


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