Clinton Says Her sometimes Southern Twang a Virtue: Says "America is ready for a multi-lingual President."
Quote of the day: "If as a liberal you have a problem with the death penalty, just think of it as a very late-term abortion to put your mind at ease."
Jon Voight is one Celebrity who gets it
An Incoherent Truth:
"Art, music, film, dance, poetry - all the arts - have long been our greatest tools to explore the regions of imagination that defy our efforts to think rationally about subjects that our emotions tell us are too painful to contemplate,"
Al Gore
Deep baby, real deep.
H/T: Jawa
Poll: French outpace Americans in French-bashing
Holland: School Scraps Nature Course As Pigs Enrage Muslim Pupils
Searching for Condemnations in the Muslim World
After Hamas paraded the coffins of 9-month-old Kfir and 4-year-old Ariel to
the cheers and jeers of its supporters, before turning over the coffins,
5 hours ago
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