Coulter, who was addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., said:
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I - so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards." Members of the audience seemed startled, some laughed and applauded.
OK, Ann went over the top and should apologize; no, the Republicans should not apologize for her, unless of course the Democrats are going to apologize for the daily slurs about President Bush ("murderer" for example) coming from folks like Cindy Sheehan etc... or for the expressions of sadness the other day when a suicide bomber failed to hit VP Cheney in Afghanistan. Lots of ugliness to go around, but Ann should apologize non-the-less.
Here's the tape:
Larwyn’s Linx: The Demowhigs’ Race to Extinction
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• The Demowhigs’ Race to Extinct...
8 hours ago
It would be nice if the news media stopped giving Ann a platform, so that she'd have to join other vile bigots like Malkin on HotAir instead to get her message out.