Unlike the lefty Salt lake Desert News who have bent over backwards to avoid mentioning that the Salt lake City killer is a Muslim and was possibly motivated by Jihad, the Father of the Killer who knows him far better than the Desert News does not engage in such self-censorship:
Suljo Talovic, Father of Shooter: "Somebody got (the gun)...and maybe (they were) training him and tell(ing) him (to), 'go shoot somebody.'"
Question: So you think that somebody influenced him maybe to do this?
Suljo Talovic: "Yeah. I think somebody."
Hmmm, I wonder who that somebody could be? Maybe it was the tooth fairy? We are all a bunch of bigots for asking no doubt.
Footnote: A reader pointed out to me via e-mail that the Desert News is owned by the LDS and in no way can be considered "lefty" as I described them. In reality, I am not aware of the editorial policy of the Salt Lake Desert News and probably should not have used the word "lefty" because it does not contribut to the debate. I do know however that the DN ran an editorial pegging Littlegreenfootballs.com as "ultraconservative" which is ridicules and is what motivated me to peg the Desert News "lefty." My description of DN as "lefty" may or may not be accurate, but my description of their incompetence in handling the Salt lake killing spree stands.
h/t lgf and Gateway Pundit
The Evolution of Corruption
The invaluable *Truth Over News* just released a new podcast entitled “Pop-Up
NGO Shell Companies”.
It describes how the “Biden” administration's seeming...
45 minutes ago
ReplyDeleteSudden Jihad Syndrome is when a single Muslim, or small group of Muslims, suddenly and with little or no warning go into Jihad mode. The victims are kaffirs attacked at random.
The main characteristics of SJS attacks are that:
- There is no central planning - they are totally spontaneous.
- The victims are unknown to the Jihadists.
- They are unreported or underreported in the MSM, with even the most horrendous cases seldom being reported beyond the local press.
- The MSM usually attempt to conceal the attackers' religion.
- If the the attackers are obviously Muslim then the MSM deny that this is of relevance.
Known SJS attacks to date (and given the attitude of the MSM there may be many more which are unknown) are listed below.
FEB 1997 Palestinian Muslim opened fire on the observation deck of Empire State Building, killing a tourist and injuring six other people before committing suicide - http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/015330.php
NOV 1999 Muslim pilot mutters prayer then smashes plane into ocean killing all aboard. - http://www.salon.com/news/feature/1999/11/18/egyptair/
NOV 2003 Charlene Downes (March 25, 1989 - on or after November 1, 2003) was a teenager from Blackpool, Great Britain, who was murdered at age of 14. Charlene disappeared on November 1, 2003. She has never been seen since then and her body has not been found. In March 2006 two Muslims were charged with her murder. These two Muslims were owners of a takeaway restaurant, and a local newspaper reported that they cut up and disposed body of their victim in the food sold at the restaurant. Far right organisations in Britain criticised the mainstream media for suppressing the information about the murder because the two accused men are foreign born (from Jordan and Iran). - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlene_Downes
MAR 2004 15 year old Kris Donald abducted at random by Muslims. He sustained internal injuries to three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and a kidney, his eyes were gouged out and he was castrated, he was finally doused in petrol, set on fire and left to die. Despite the horrendous nature the case featured on national news only three times and was later largely confined to regional Scottish bulletins - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriss_Donald
SEP 2004 A woman was killed and another was left fighting for her life after a knifeman went berserk in broad daylight in a Greater Manchester street. The woman killed was attacked first by the man, who was carrying what appeared to be a kitchen knife with a six-inch blade and had been seen reading from the Koran. The man was arrested but no further reports of any trial appeared in the MSM. - http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/003071.php
MAR 2006, a twenty-two-year-old Iranian student named Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar drove an SUV onto the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, deliberately trying to kill people and succeeding in injuring nine. After the incident, he seemed singularly pleased with himself, smiling and waving to crowds after a court appearance on Monday, at which he explained that he was “thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah.” - http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/011397.php
JUL 2006, a Muslim named Naveed Afzal Haq forced his way into the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and then began shooting, killing one woman and injuring five more. - http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003159826_webbelltown28.html
AUG 2006 A Muslim from Afghanistan killed one person and injured fourteen during a murderous drive through San Francisco city streets during which he targeted people on crosswalks and sidewalks. He identified himself as a terrorist after his rampage - http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/08/30/FREMONT.TMP
JAN 2007 Rampage behind the wheel leaves trail of destruction. A Muslim havoc in north Minneapolis, ramming into at least eight cars and injuring a business owner, police said. When asked by investigators why he went on the crime spree, the 22-year-old suspect said, "Allah made me do it," according to a source with knowledge of the case. - http://www.startribune.com/467/story/972154.html
FEB 2007 Muslim Sulejmen Talovic killed five people and wounded four before he himself was killed by an off-duty Ogden police officer who happened to be in the Salt Lake City mall. -http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=26961
Hat tip http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=26961