The Internet is buzzing over a mysterious weapon found in Iraq. Fox News has posted a photo of the weapon on its site with the question: Do you know what it is? I have decided to take up the challenge since a know a little about this stuff. Will someone please correct me if they think I'm wrong:
This looks to me like an RPG launcher not too dissimilar from the traditional old Soviet RPG launcher design. Notice the double grip to accommodate control and balance before firing and the strong recoil one would expect upon firing an RPG. My guess is that it fires a traditional RPG round but is designed to improve handling with a more compact, user-friendly design, and a more efficient targeting system through the scope that sticks out from the left side of the launcher to accommodate a right-handed shooter. I would not be surprised if this is Iranian designed and manufactured. I note that the traditional RPG launcher is seen in the photo just below the new weapon.
In short: A new RPG launcher designed to accommodate existing RPG ammunition (rockets) in a more efficient and deadly manner.
On a different note: You gotta love this quote; nothing has changed with these folks, they're still double parked in the twilight zone:
"It is time to pull our troops out . . . . The longer we stay in . . . the more chance we have of being sucked into another Vietnam in that region. ...Our troops must come home now. Therefore, if given the opportunity I intend to offer an amendment to the fiscal year . . . Defense appropriations bill that would require that our troops be pulled out . . . 15 days after the President signs the appropriations bill. That is more than enough time for an orderly withdrawal....We have run out of excuses for remaining . . . . It is time to come home."
— Democrat Rep. Ed Markey speaking on the floor of the House...about the invasion of Grenada in 1983. h/t: Instapundit
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17 hours ago
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