I hereby declare that I am not the father to Anna Nicole Smith's baby and my name can be taken off the list. I will have no claim to the estate.
Protector of the free world deserves better
Former Mossad chief: Assassinate Ahmadinejad
Frontpage Magazine: Jihad University
Love rumour sparks religious clash and riot in Egypt
Muslims protest Valentine's Day celebrationsHoly *#@!: Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison called the cops on fellow Congressman Tom Tancredo for smoking a cigar in his own office! Apparently the smoke smell was "seeping through the wall" and was noticeable in Ellison's office (Smoking is permissible in Congressional offices). Ellison did not bother to simply approach Tancrado and resolve the issue. Instead, the cops were called to Capital Hill!
Capital Hill police rush Congressman Tancrado's office after receiving reports of cigar smoke from Congressman Ellison.
Larwyn’s Linx: Victoria Nuland’s son is part of a USAID group fighting
Trump’s efforts to end the Ukraine War.
*Send us news tips! Sponsored by My Private Journal*
• Victoria Nuland’s son is part of a USAID group fighting Trump’s efforts
to end Ukraine War...
3 hours ago
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