SEN. BIDEN SHOCK INTERVIEW, Referring to Obama: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy"... Did I just get that right? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharton are not "articulate and bright and clean," and are out of the "mainstream", and that Obama is the "first" African American candidate for president who is? Is there any other way to read it? Wow! This, of course far exceeds any insensitivity expressed by Trent Lott, or any other comments from a Republican that I can remember. But have no fear; Biden is a Democrat so all is forgiven. Below is another Biden jewel, explaining how he can't go into a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts without hearing an Indian accent.A WHORE?
Meanwhile, in other news from the Democratic Party, Representative Loretta Sanchez resigned from the Congressional Hispanic caucus, accusing the chairman, Democrat Joe Baca of calling her "a whore." Never a duel moment with these Dems.
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• Ousted From Power By Voters, Dems Turn To Activist Judges To Defy Trump John
Daniel Davids...
8 hours ago
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