Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Iran: Imminent arrival of the Mahdi, the Twelfth or Hidden Imam awaited by Shi'ites as the Messiah is at hand.

Scary stuff!
From the great work byCox & Forkum

Ray gun makes targets feel like they're on fire
Bolten: U.S. following flawed Iran plan
Iran vows to crush any threat as US steps up rhetoric
Official Iranian news: Arrival of Twelfth Imam is Imminent
Talking Ourselves Into Defeat
VDH: How Will Illegal Immigration End?

Nutty assertion of the day: Climate change seen fanning terrorism . This is not meant as a joke. The article states that one of the reasons for al Qaeda terror is global warming and the US refusal to sign the Kyoto accord. Maybe I'm just too ignorant to connect the dots on this one, and only a real smart person like Al Gore gets it.

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm the global warming thing is insane.

    But apparently Bush accepts global warming now, but he calls it "global climate change." Perhaps there's a difference.


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