Next time around, Lebanon will be in a civil war
North: Does Anyone in Congress Care?
Krauthammer: Energy Independence?
I usually don't post much about political campaigning. I used to be involved in the craft of political campaigning and over time developed a deep cynicism. I now find it generally distasteful to obsess over horse races and all the gossip and slick maneuvering. But every once in a while I come across a purely political article that is so masterfully written that I can't help but be impressed. I give you Gerard Baker's piece in today's Times of London: The vaulting ambition of America's Lady Macbeth
Trump Judges Defend Jewish Students on Campus
“The Court is dismayed by Cooper Union’s suggestion that the Jewish
students should have hidden upstairs or left the building,” Judge John
Cronan wrote,...
3 hours ago
I don't know anything about Gerard Baker but that article does what so few indignant pundits do: spit out the venom without being poisoned by it. He's to the point, writes with emphasis, and makes you a) wonder what in the hell the bitch did to draw his criticism, and b) to hold on to your wallet, your car keys, and your children's hands whenever you're in danger of coming near her again.