Debbie Schlussel came up with the solid idea of a phone-in campaign to US Airways to discourage them from paying a single penny to the flying Imam’s in their shakedown efforts. Feel free to call US Airways at 480-693-1227. You will be transferred to the Executive offices where your opinion will be registered. US Airways need to know that it will be a PR disaster for them to pay off the ‘flying Imam’s.’ I was assured by the US Airways representative that they intend to fight this matter to the bitter end and will not be bullied into any payout. Let’s hope that stands.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Fascist
The Rabbi who Stole Christmas?
Below is a clip of O'Reilly interviewing the Rabbi that supposedly stole Christmas in Seattle. This guy got a major bad wrap. As it turns out, the Seattle airport folks are the complete pin-heads in this case! I too went berserk when I heard the original story on Friday, thinking the Rabbi had probably lost his mind. nothing could be further from the truth. A big hat tip to Atlas Shrugs for covering this incident and getting it right.
Larwyn’s Linx: Jeffrey Sachs and the Global Migration Machine
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